
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sidereal Astrology Initiation

This Charm serves the purpose of removing Colleges as individual traits you must raise separately in an attempt to make Sidereal Astrology more appealing and accessible for players, removing the excessive experience investment that it is.

(College) Astrological Planning
Cost: ---; Mins: (Ability) 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: Native
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None
The Chosen of the Maidens are capable of weaving fate according to their designs, a quality that has helped them to keep Creation working properly along this tumultuous times. This Charm permanently enhances the Sidereal capabilities, allowing him to perform Shaping Destiny actions for the corresponding Astrological College (see Manual of Exalted Power: Sidereals, p. 189-213). He uses the corresponding Ability rating for all College-related rolls (and everything that requires College raring, for example, learning Greater Astrology Charms), although this doesn’t count as Ability-based rolls so he can’t supplement them with his Excellencies or any other Charms not specifically related to Sidereal Astrology and College rolls.

Sidereals start the game with any version of this Charm for their Maiden’s Abilities that the meet the requirements for and two extra versions for any other Abilities they have at least 1-dot. As soon as a character purchases the first dot for a Caste Ability during play, he gets the corresponding version of this Charm at no cost. Other versions can be purchased with experience or bonus points.

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